ARRL - The National Association for Amateur Radio ®

Simulated Emergency Test (SET) Report:
Emergency Coordinator - FORM A

Emergency Coordinator FORM A | Net Manager FORM B | Upload Supporting Documentation

ARRL Section:

Area of Jurisdiction:

DEC's or EC's Call sign:

E-mail address:

Date of local SET:

  1. Number of amateurs who participated in the test
  2. Number of new amateurs (licensed since 2021) participating
  3. Number of formal 3rd party written traffic messages originated or delivered during the SET on behalf of served agencies
  4. Were TACTICAL communications conducted on behalf of served agencies?
  5. 1 hour or more, score 20 points:
    1/2 hour to 1 hour, score 10:
    less than 1/2 hour, score 5:
  6. Number of stations on emergency power during the test
  7. Number of emergency-powered repeaters used during the test

  8. Give call signs of repeaters:
  9. Is dual membership in ARES and AUXCOMM (RACES in some parts of the country) actively encouraged?
  10. Yes: | No:
  11. Are ARES members encouraged to take SKYWARN training and participate in SKYWARN Nets?
  12. Yes: | No:
  13. Was liaison maintained during the SET with an NTS section or local net?
  14. Yes: | No:
    Give call signs of station(s) performing liaison:
  15. Was liaison maintained during the SET with a NWS office for SKYWARN, local or State EOC, MARS or NGOs (such as American Red Cross, Salvation Army etc.)?
  16. Yes: | No:
    Give call signs of station(s) performing liaison:
  17. Were digital modes utilized at any time during the exercise?
  18. Yes: | No:
    Name the digital modes utilized:
  19. Number of different agencies for which communications were handled
  20. Number of communities in which agencies were contacted.

  21. Name the community(ies) served:
  22. Was a press release submitted?
  23. Yes: | No:
    If YES, attach copy. (PDF, DOC(X) or TXT only)
  24. Bonus: Is your group represented by an ARRL Public Information Officer?
  25. Yes: | No:
    Total Number of Points