ARRL - The National Association for Amateur Radio ®

Simulated Emergency Test (SET) Report:
Net Manager - FORM B

Emergency Coordinator FORM A | Net Manager FORM B | Upload Supporting Documentation

ARRL Section:

Net Name:

Coverage Area:

Net Manager's Call sign:

E-mail address:

Date of SET activity:

Is the net associated with ARES? Yes: | No:

Is the net part of the National Traffic System? Yes: | No:

Is the net associated with the National Weather Service SKYWARN program? Yes: | No:

Liaison was maintained with NTS nets? Yes: | No:

NTS Nets:

Was this net affiliated with a local agency hving jurisdiction? Yes: | No:

Local agency having jurisdiction:

Traffic Totals
Severe Weather Reports

Total time of operation: Hours | Minutes

  1. TOTAL number of messages handled
  2. Number of different stations participating
  3. Number of different stations checking-in on emergency power
  4. Number of new amateurs (licensed since 2021) participating
  5. Number of different net control stations
  6. Number of different stations performing NTS liaison
    (including stations who liaise from local nets to higher nets)
  7. Total Points for NET SET Operation